It’s quite a feat to find a decent werewolf book out there. Even more so is finding one that isn’t filled to the brim with content not fit for those who don’t enjoy passionate romance and all in which that entails. Thankfully, The Wolving Time provides an alternative to the bloody, steamy messes that often fill out the section of fantasy that happen to be of the lupine variety. This particular novel is set in medieval France when burnings were the popular way to root out what was deemed to be “evil.” Laszlo is a simple son of a shepherd, content to wile away his days tending to his flock. However, he awaits the day when he can join his parents as werewolves. This sort of werewolf is unlike your typical, man-eating, silver-bullet-vulnerable beast. Shape shifter would seem a more appropriate term since they are able to transform into wolves at will. The plot, at its most basic, doesn’t seek to surprise its readers with suspenseful twists and turns. Rather, it relies on its simple, yet eloquent, writing style and engaging characters. It’s a short book and, therefore, a quick read. Younger readers will enjoy it immensely, and older readers can as well. It’s intriguing enough to hold interest until the very end. The themes of prejudice and unjust persecution are apparent throughout the novel. It’s a solid effort despite its lack of complexity and earns 3 ½ stars.